Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Writing School

Ok so now I am back in writing school here at Winghill. I like this format much better. Winghill Writing SchoolI am only in the second lesson, but I am not pushed to finish. I like my instructor so far, but I need to get going. Have three full chapters done so far on the new book, but need help. Hopefully this will give me the push I need to get it done. Between everything else that is happening, I hope this will get my creative juices flowing again so I can complete this thing and move on to the one I really want to write.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Already dropped out of WritersBureau

Massive decision. I decided that it was not a good idea to go to a school in the UK. It was much better for me to try to learn from an American school. So I dropped out of the Writing Bureau before my limit to cancel was up and I instead enrolled in: QC Carreer School
Better known as: WingHill Writing School This has worked out better for me and I think I will get a good head start on a novel through this school. From what I have studied so far it is going to be a bit taxing, but will help me a lot as far as finalizing a genre and getting things started. It is important to me to get my novel going so I can get it published and hopefully get some sales. I may not be a number one author, but wouldn't it be a shocker if I did become one or if someone bought the book and movie rights? I know, dream on lady. But i can dream, can't I?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Perfecting my Writing Skills


Excited about learning more to perfect my writing skills from the Writer's Bureau. Want to get my novel moving full speed ahead. I can never get enough learning behind me.