Monday, July 23, 2007

Shave Cream Demo

Oh my goodness!! What fun yesterday was. I love this technique. It is a bit messy, but it was a blast to learn. I decided to make a pendant out of one of the beads and will post some of the beads tonight when I get home. I think I am going to make some more when I get some of the inks and shave cream. What an easy technique!


Ernie Hendrix said...

Kriss, this is just gorgeous!!!! And your wirewrapping is beautiful. Do you teach the wirewrapping? It's something I would really love to learn.

Good job on the blog. Looking forward to seeing you again at the meetings.

(a/k/a simplyred and Gypsy Gold Studio)

kreesclayings said...

Thanks Ernie, I love doing wire, but I am not all that good at it yet. Another thing I am learning as I go. Hopefully one day I will be able to teach it, but I think we have a member of the guild that is doing a wire class in October I think. Thanks for the comment. :-)

Rita Sim said...

Hi Kriss,
Wow, what a handsome pendant. The intricate wirewrapping compliments the simply gorgeous bead.
Nice to meet you yesteday.