Sunday, October 21, 2007

Newest Project

It has been a while since I have posted. Life has been crazy. I am back in school (I have rocks in my head), and have been clay playing (among other things). This week I created something I love. Thanks to the Poly Clay Play Club, I did this project and liked it so much, I received permission to sell them. Now this was something in the club a couple months ago that I just didn't have time to get involved in, but this week, since I was on vacation from work, I played a lot. This was what I did:

Aren't they adorable? I just love them. They are dishwasher magnets and I am so excited. I plan on making them to order in the color that the customer wants them in. And since dishwashers are being made now with plastic fronts, my customers will have the option of magnets or double sided velcro on the back. I am anxious to see how they sell. I may have to make up a bunch and see if I can possibly get a gift store or novelty shop to order a bunch. I am now testing on ebay and etsy to see if I get any takers and that will be an indication to continue. Thanks Trish for letting me do this. I haven't been this excited about a project since I ventured into Italian Charms. Only time will tell. LOLOL

1 comment:

Trish - said...

Kriss, I am so excited for you and very glad you are having such fun with a club project! Good luck with the venture!
Happy Poly Clay Playing,