Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mermaid In Progress

Ok, now we are getting serious. LOLOL I have got to learn how to get clearer pictures. Sometimes they come out great and other times blurry, but I will figure it out before this project is finished.

I am now posting my 6" mermaid in progress. I have to do a lot of touch ups on her, add scales and ears and get her arms correct before she gets her first firing, but we are getting there. Each step brings me closer to the reality of a mermaid.

I also neglected to mention in my last post, all the great hints and helps I have been getting from my claying group, City-o-clay. You all have been a wonderful help and I greatly appreciate all the hints and links to make my dream a reality.

Your encouragement and critiques are helping me more than you know.

Hopefully my next post will be clearer as I get closer to making her real.

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